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I call bullshit!

Current Mood: Pensive
Bianciella FC Wamph (b, * w's woman)
Female - *, Canada
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2016-01-14 8:53:37 pm Category General Viewed 142 times Likes 0

You sit behind your compute gabbing of how much 'honour' you dare you! The lies and bullshit that spew from your mouth are worse than any disease one could contract! Do yourself a favour....GROW SOME a man and own up to the fact that you dont deserve the position you are in or to have good people around you. BLAH BLAH BLAH so goes my venting. 

Previous Blog

2016-01-15 4:41:48 pm
*finding some of that apricot stuff left from last time she waves it frantically in the air, trying not to laugh remembering how last time He ate it rather than used for its purpose" its under control I got the smelly stuff !
2016-01-15 9:06:04 pm
Just...oh My PriestKings, BOL-ing!!!
2016-01-15 9:18:44 pm
*remembers something about apricot stuff have to pull it out of my head* lol Mistress *slips out quietly*