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My Character. Some Quotes. Good olllll She Urts

Current Mood: Pensive
Bianciella FC Wamph (b, * w's woman)
Female - *, Canada
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2016-03-15 12:00:02 am Category General Viewed 93 times Likes 0

Because, apparently SOME people think I should be wearing robes, veils, high shoes, stubbing My nose down, draped in jewlerry, and speak demurley and take up a hobby like.. pottery painting. Some references...of My role. 


mall">"I stopped on the walkway. Ahead, some yards, was a girl dark-haired, lying on her belly on the walkway, reaching with her hand down to the canal, to fish out edible garbage. She was barefoot, and wore a brief, brown rag. I did not think she was a slave. Some free girls, runaways, vagabonds, girls of no family or position, live about port cities, scavenging as they can, begging, stealing, sleeping at night in crates and under bridges and piers. They are called the she-urts of the wharves. Every once in a while there is a move to have them rounded up and collared but it seldom comes to anything. "
mall">Explorers of Gor, page 47 


mall">Except for her failure to exhibit interest in the garbage she might have been only one she-urt among the others. She was as pretty, and as dirty, as the rest. 
mall">Suddenly she saw me. For an instant I saw she was frightened. Then she doubtless reassured herself that I could not know her. She was, after all, only another she-urt. Her thighs were unmarked. 
mall">She went then, as not noticing me, to the basket of garbage. She tried to saunter as a she-urt. Steeling herself she thrust her hand into the fresh, wet garbage. She looked up at me. She saw I was still watching her. In her hand there was a half of a yellow Gorean pear, the remains of a half moon of verr cheese imbedded in it. She, watching me, lifted it toward her mouth. I did not think it would taste badly. I saw she was ready to vomit. 
mall">Suddenly her wrist was seized by the girl, a tall, lovely girl, some four inches taller than she, in a brief white rag, who stood with her at the basket. "Who are you?" demanded the girl in the white rag. "You are not one with us." She took the pear from her, with the verr cheese in it. "You have not laid with the paga attendants for your garbage," she said. "Get out!" Any woman, even a free woman, if she is hungry enough, will do anything. The paga attendants knew this. "Get out!" said the girl in the white rag. 
mall">Not unrelieved, though I do not think she understood much of what was said to her, the blond barbarian backed away. She reacted then, despite herself, with momentary horror, as the girl in the white rag bit thoughtlessly into the pear with verr cheese. Then, remembering herself, she tried to look disappointed. "Get out," said the girl in the white rag. "This is our territory." The other girls now, too, belligerently, began to gather around. "Get out," said the girl in the white rag, "or we will tie you and throw you into the canal." 
mall">Explorers of Gor, pages 62-63


mall">"They wore rags of various sorts and colours; they had good legs; they where all bare foot" 
mall">Explorers of Gor, page 62

mall">We were in the vicinity of the pier of the Red Urt. It is not a desirable district. 
mall">I put down my sea bag. 
mall">She looked up at me. 
mall">"It is dangerous for you here," I said. "You should be home." 
mall">"I have no home," she said. 
mall">She traced an idle pattern on my left shoulder with her fingertip. 
mall">"Who would want to hurt a little she-urt," she said. 
mall">"What do you want?" I asked. I was alert to the tiny sound behind me. 
mall">"I will please you for a tarsk bit," she said. 
mall">I did not speak. 
mall">She suddenly knelt before me. "I will please you as a slave girl, if you wish," she said. 
mall">"When I want a slave girl," I said, "I will have a real slave girl, not a free woman pretending to be a slave girl." 
mall">Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 48





2016-03-18 9:34:12 am
great reminder! and Woah! only a 'bit? dont know much of she urt ways, but geeeh! one lousy 'bit' I'd go on strike