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I love when

Current Mood: Pensive
Bianciella FC Wamph (b, * w's woman)
Female - *, Canada
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2016-05-16 3:56:42 pm Category General Viewed 137 times Likes 0

People posts blog bitching about others but then do not make their comment section open so that said people they are bitching about can dish it back. 

2016-05-18 1:24:22 pm
~smiles cause she wholeheartedly agrees~
2016-05-18 7:21:00 pm
There are several Bianci who need to read up on the Mental Health blog. Oh BTW, I have just authorised refurbishment on a huge Guest room for FC's.. it has an en-suite.. and hidey places for those who have to hide things they may not have the authority to have and such.. The bed head has "W" and "B" etched in the wood.. sweet huh!
2016-05-18 11:08:26 pm
super sweet!!! Thank you! I love it! I feel so woo'd! lol