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Since you cower behind no comments allowed.

Current Mood: Pensive
Bianciella FC Wamph (b, * w's woman)
Female - *, Canada
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Posted: 2019-09-03 11:50:25 pm Category General Viewed 526 times Likes 5

Once again you bend the rules to suit your purpose. Let's just stick to the basics. 


"Shelving": The act of shelving is defined as bringing back an already dead/retired character. Once a character is retired it may not be ressurected again, it is for all intents and purposes gone.    
Returning: The conditions for returning from time away for death or retirements are as follows. One must choose a new name, new Caste, and new Home. They may not Lead a home, return to their old Home, Station, Free Companion, slaves, nor train for the Caste they had in the previous Character life for at least a period of three months(earth time).

2019-09-04 1:28:34 pm
In any case we have made our points and provided worthy discussion... I wish you well and bid you a good day
2019-09-04 1:31:18 pm
No. That isn’t what I’m doing. At no point did I say you are a dick. I said I don’t belittle people, it is simply easier just to call a dick a dick.
2019-09-04 1:37:20 pm