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Bianciella FC Wamph's Profile

Current Mood: Pensive
Bianciella FC Wamph (b, * w's woman)
Female - *, Canada
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Long-Term Relationship

Updated: 2020-09-23 3:20:14 am Viewed 4,906 times Likes 7


I am with Wamph. IFC'ed 14th April 2018. Fc'd Aug 26th 2019. Ti amo. 

"Fight for the things you care about....but do it in a way that will lead others to join you. -RBG


—Kristin Hannah


I ALWAYS mean what I say. I may not mean to say it out loud, but I ALWAYS mean it.  - Betty White. 



Hidden in my unknown shanty of a strapped together shak in the slums of Port Kar. When I die, I hope as most Port Kar residence do for death by blood or sea.. As i am not a Warrior clearly. I would take the latuld observe the Thassa as it happens. 

My dream in life was to join the honorable Caste of Thieves.  I have yet to see if that dream of earing the infamous Theif's scar.  The infamous Thief's Scar. It is a tiny, three-pronged brand burned into the face in back of and below the right eye, over the cheekbone. It does seem strange that a thief who relies on not being caught should advertise their affiliation so openly. Maybe it is considered more of a challenge that way, a method of calling out the weak and foolish.


On earth date May 2nd 2016 I was given the homestone of port kar by Wamph who gained it from Gilgamesh. Have a problem, talk to him about it. 



Some free girls, runaways, vagabonds, girls of no family or position, live about port cities, scavenging as they can, begging, stealing, sleeping at night in crates and under bridges and piers. They are called the she-urts of the wharves. Every once in a while there is a move to have them rounded up and collared but it seldom comes to anything. 
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 47

We were in the vicinity of the pier of the Red Urt. It is not a desirable district. 
I put down my sea bag. 
She looked up at me. 
"It is dangerous for you here," I said. "You should be home." 
"I have no home," she said. 
She traced an idle pattern on my left shoulder with her fingertip. 
"Who would want to hurt a little she-urt," she said. 
"What do you want?" I asked. I was alert to the tiny sound behind me. 
"I will please you for a tarsk bit," she said. 
I did not speak. 
She suddenly knelt before me. "I will please you as a slave girl, if you wish," she said. 
"When I want a slave girl," I said, "I will have a real slave girl, not a free woman pretending to be a slave girl." 
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 48

"She may be wearing the garment of a she-urt," I said. 
"That is known to us, Citizen," said he. 
"I myself," said a nearby guardsman, "stopped a girl answering the description, one in the torn rag of a she-urt, but when I forced her to reveal her thighs, she was unmarked." 
Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 60

"Where do the she-urts band?" I asked. 
"Let me go!" she cried. 
I shook her. "Oh, oh," she cried. 
I then stopped shaking her. I held her by the arms, her toes barely touching the ground. She was then quiet, looking up at me. Her eyes were frightened. I saw she was ready to be obedient. 
"There are some girls behind the paga taverns, on the northern shore of the Ribbon's alley," she said. 
I released her and she sank to her knees, gasping. 
The Ribbon is one of Port Kar's better-known canals. A narrower canal, somewhat south of it, is called the Ribbon's alley. It was a bit past dawn and the paga taverns backing on the smaller canal would be throwing out their garbage from the preceding night. She-urts sometimes gather at such places for their pick of the remnants of feasts. 

Explorers of Gor     Book 13     Page 61

"Most alone are those whom love has once touched, and left." (Captive of Gor, p.369)