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The Bakery on Helisto

Current Mood: Amused
Khalid~Builder (Khalid, *)
Male - 60 years old, Gor, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Posted: 2016-12-20 3:11:56 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 197 times Likes 1

as we walk to thru the streets,we spy the Bakery.we walk up to it open te door and walk in.once inside we look around and i say well men a good cleaning is first so please start

    as they start cleaning i walk back to the the 2 ovens and look them over i see a few cracks so i take a pail of plaster like substance and start patching them slowly as it is laboriously long work i apply thne substance moving from one spot to the next.i do this on both im finishing Kiell walks up and says Khal i think the sweeping is done what do we do now? I say Kiell now lets get the tables cleaned and wiped down , and watch them ok. I walk to to where Ha is and tell him lets get this trash out of here

   As we get the trash out i walk back to where all the baking tools are look them over as me and Ha waipe them down. we walk back in i walk over to the display cases and we satart cleaning them as Ha and the men clean them i walk out look at the sign that says Helisto Bakery i find something to stand on and wipe it down real good.I stand back smiling as it shines now.

   I walk back inside smiling asnow the Bakery is clean and shining for MzT the Baker i say men jovb well done lets go eat,drink and bd merry for a job well done we walk off singing asnd laughing to thre nearest paga joint



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2016-12-20 7:04:36 pm
Khalid.. Your work, and that of Your team is exceptional... am looking forward to opening the shop
2016-12-20 10:51:32 pm
Penel yes I shall np
2016-12-20 10:51:44 pm
ty MzT