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Khalid~Builder's Profile

Current Mood: Amused
Khalid~Builder (Khalid, *)
Male - 60 years old, Gor, United States
Sexual Orientation: Straight/Heterosexual
Relationship Status: Single, not dating

Updated: 2018-11-27 11:53:12 am Viewed 3,185 times Likes 6

i am from The Port of Kasra my name ia Khalid i was born to a Warrior father he tried training me as a Warrior i tried but after he was killed i started wandering thru Gor first to the plains of. Turia iafter there for awhile i wandered thur gor I stopped in The Tuchuk Camp I decided to become a Builder for bit but didnt stay  but then to  The City of Tor  where  i am the Builder of the City  of Tor but now have left Tor to go to travel around Gor there i have to guards Kiell and Ha-Kaath are with me everywhere i go i have a kaiila named Jama and a sleen named Jabii they will protect me . Istand 69 Horts an i weigh 387 lbs i carry twin 12 inch daggers a short sword a shortbow and a quiver of arrows  i  also carry a spear.I also own a gianas named ashlia  i also a jit named bobo..As a builder i take pride in what i build.I also carry a slave whip on my side.