Free Chat Rooms - Buzzen Chat

Buzzen Gor Feastival

Current Mood: Balanced
Female - 36 years old, *, United States
Sexual Orientation: Not your Business
Relationship Status: Undisclosed

Posted: 2017-03-16 6:38:34 pm Category Lifestyle Viewed 407 times Likes 0

Welcome to Buzzen Gor!

You’re invited! Feastival!!!

Sponsored By Iskander-CFTC

March 24-26 ,2016

12 pm to 12 am Central us time

The Pavilion at Buzzen Gor

Welcome All Goreans and those Interested Feasting, Fun, Festivity and frolicking!


Meet and Greet-daily 12-12!

Dances welcome! Discussions!

Merchant Kiosks and Tents

Paga drinking contest

Dancing Contest(slaves) 

Best /Worse Personal Serve (slaves)

Previous Blog

2017-03-17 11:17:33 pm
2017-03-17 11:19:08 pm
Show up and show out, Womens! Don't believe Me, just watch! :D
2017-03-17 11:22:31 pm
woot woot, gotta watch this!!

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